Difficulties in Kawasaki Disease Diagnosis and Treatment in Children
The Kawasaki disease is the acute vasculitis specific to the childhood that affects the medium-sized arteries and causes the coronary aneurysms in about 25% of the patients untreated. This disease is one of the causes of the heart diseases acquired in the children in the economically developed countries. The cause of the Kawasaki disease remains unknown. The Article is based on the current guidelines and clinical case, with special focus on the necessity of the early diagnosis and proper treatment, since only early diagnosis and timely treatment of the patients with this disease prevent the damage of the coronary arteries.
About the Authors
A. E. DobrovanovSlovakia
Oleksandr Dobrovanov - MBA – Masterof Business Administration
D. Dmytriev
Dmytro DmytriievVinnytsya
K. Yu. Dmytrieva
Dmytriieva Kateryna
L. Hustavova
Lucia Hustavova - PhD
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For citations:
Dobrovanov A.E., Dmytriev D., Dmytrieva K.Yu., Hustavova L. Difficulties in Kawasaki Disease Diagnosis and Treatment in Children. Rossiyskiy Vestnik Perinatologii i Pediatrii (Russian Bulletin of Perinatology and Pediatrics). 2020;65(6):122-128. (In Russ.) https://doi.org/10.21508/1027-4065-2020-65-6-122-128